Countdown  Kids

Introducing kids to Jesus Christ and His gospel...

At RLC, we are dedicated to enabling your kids to learn about God in an age-appropriate and safe context. Countdown Kids begins after our time of worship, when we invite parents to take their children from ages 1-9 to an age-respective class.  Every 3rd Sunday, we also provide a class for our 10-12 year olds. All classes have at least two adults present at all times.


At RLC, we use the “Gospel Story Curriculum”  by Marty Machowski.  The purpose of this curriculum is to teach children God’s plan of redemption from Genesis-Revelation.

Our Team

Every RLC Kids volunteer is ready to serve, having completed our application process, background screening in accordance with state laws, and training. We strive to create a safe, positive and engaging environment for your kids to learn about Jesus.

Check In Process

Guests can register their children at our Welcome Desk before the service. Each child will receive a nametag which is matched to the parent’s tag at dismissal.


Whether learning about Creation in Genesis, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, or the Conversion of the Apostle Paul, your kids will be taught that everything in God’s word points to the incarnate Son of God, Jesus, and the message that He alone can save.

Our Objectives

  • To teach our kids how to pray and read the Bible
  • To teach our children how the whole Bible reveals God’s plan of redemption in Jesus Christ
  • To teach our children how to honor their parents
  • To teach our children how to share the gospel
  • To engage our children in biblical and creative activities

Infant Care Room

Moms with an infant can participate in the service from the comfort of our Infant Care Room located just off the lobby, near the main sanctuary.

Countdown Kids

Fueling young hearts for Christ


Preteens class (10-12 yrs)

Blake and Becky Martin

Children's Ministry Coordinators

Blake and Becky are a dynamic duo with a passion for kids and a heart to reach them with the gospel. They love being able to serve Countdown Kids together, and look forward to seeing how God continues to grow this ministry.