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We are eager for you to join us for a Sunday Worship Service. Below is some information we think would be helpful for you to know before you arrive .


Our meeting address is 2436 Croton Rd in Melbourne. We currently rent the facility from Kol Mashiach, a Messianic Jewish congregation, but you can be looking for our Risen Life flag signs out front. Our facility is located on the intersection of Croton and Lake Washington. See the map below, or use the button for directions.


 Our Sunday service is at 10 AM (although our folks love  lingering and fellowshipping in the lobby, so we usually end up starting a few minutes late). We generally end by 11:45. Our gathering begins with a time of singing together, followed by a break for our kids’ dismissal to their classes, and then a 45-50 minute sermon.


At RLC, expect to sing both contemporary worship songs and traditional hymns. Our song diet includes a variety of styles as we strive to select theologically solid songs that are cross-centered, Christ-exalting, and richly based in Scripture. We  believe that songs teach, and we want the "Word of Christ to dwell in us richly" as we gather to worship (Colossians 3:16).


God’s Word is the most important aspect of our corporate worship, so you can expect it to be central in each aspect of our service. Our preaching is largely expository, allowing us to study books of the Bible in-depth. On occasion, we may do a short topical series, but either way, expect preaching that is straight from Scripture and, therefore, relevant to your life.

Have Kids?

At RLC, we strive to provide a safe and fun environment for your kids. Countdown Kids, our children’s ministry, is currently for children ages 1 to 9. Every 3rd Sunday, we also have a class for ages 10-12. Moms with infants can participate in the service from the comfort of our Infant Care Room just off the lobby. Use the button to learn more about our kids ministry.


Expect to find a church that causes you to seriously consider staying and joining our fellowship because Christ has been exalted among the people, His infallible word has been upheld as the rule for our lives, and the people are genuine in their warmth, hospitality, and care. We look forward to welcoming you!

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