Countdown Kids
Our children's ministry is committed to providing a safe, loving, fun, and orderly environment for your kids. Countdown Kids begins after our time of worship, when we invite parents to take their children to age-respective classes. Whether being taught the story of Creation in Genesis, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, or the Conversion of the Apostle Paul, your children will learn that everything in God’s word points to the incarnate Son of God, Jesus, and the message that He alone can save.

Ignite Youth
RLC Youth is designed to assist parents as they help their teens navigate critical years of their lives. The focus of RLC Youth is to see our teens grow in their desire to follow Jesus and teach them about the deep truths of the Christian faith that will sustain them in the midst of a world of shifting values and attractions. Risen Life Church is deeply committed to the view that parents play the primary role in the spiritual upbringing of their sons and daughters.
Launch Young Adults
Our young adults gather on Sundays, directly after the service, for the study of God’s word, worship, prayer and discussion and other times a month for fellowship. Our young adult group is pretty special in that nobody ever feels left out! Whether you love rock climbing, tubing down a river, enjoying a meal out with friends, shrimp boils, game nights, or roller skating, you are bound to find an activity you can join in and enjoy with our young adults. Invite a friend along and see how the gospel can transform relationships in the young adult years.
Women's Ministry
Whether you are a mom, a newlywed, a single, or an empty-nester, there is a place for you in our women's ministry. Our ladies meet the first Wednesday night of each month to dive into God's Word together and disciple one-another. Additionally, there are fellowship events we hold seasonally, such as a Christmas Decorating Party and Ladies’ Tea, which provide opportunities to invite guests and enjoy extended times of fellowship as women.
Men's Ministry
The Men’s Ministry of Risen Life Church exists to encourage, equip, and strengthen men in their God-given roles. We gather regularly on the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm for a time of worship, study, discussion, and prayer. The Men’s Retreat, which typically occurs in mid-January in Orange Beach, AL, is something we encourage all men to attend. Participating in our monthly meetings, as well as staying connected via the RLC Men’s groupme are two easy ways for men to get involved in the life of the church.

Small Groups
Small groups are the context in which the church is able to pray, fellowship, and discuss together the truths of God’s word in a manner that builds our spiritual community. As we consider the past Sunday’s sermon together in our groups, we dialogue about how we have been challenged to grow in our walk with Christ and we are able to encourage and "exhort one another every day, as long as it is called ‘today,’ that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin," as Hebrews 3:13 says. Typically, our small groups meet in the homes of our leaders on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights of the month.
The Bridge
Why does God allow suffering? Can we really trust the Bible? Is Jesus the only way? The Bridge Course is designed to help answer these questions and explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening environment over ten weeks. It’s a safe environment for you to ask whatever question you like or not say a word. Let us know if you are interested in learning more!

Request to Join Group Messaging
Find a place where you can serve the church and our community.
Sunday Morning Teams
From hospitality, to worship team, to children's ministry volunteering, there are about as many places to serve as there are unique giftings among the members of RLC who serve. It is a joy to watch the members of the church body function together in a myriad of roles. Find out more about where you might fit well.

Ministry Teams
All of us as members of one another get to play a part in the "equipping of the saints," and we love to see how the Lord uses diverse personalities and giftings to strengthen his Church. If you would like to find out more about getting involved in serving at RLC, use the button below.