Young Adults

Launching into life lived by a single passion

For college students , young professionals, young married couples and singles alike...

Whether you love rock climbing, tubing down a river, enjoying a meal out with friends, shrimp boils, game nights, or roller skating, you are bound to find an activity you can join in and enjoy with our young adults. Invite a friend along and see how the gospel can transform relationships in the young adult years (roughly 18-30ish). Once you’ve visited LAUNCH, we think you’ll want to stay.  Our young adult group is pretty special in that nobody ever feels left out!

LAUNCH Young Adults

No matter what season of life, we welcome all "young" adults around 18-30ish. We gather on Sundays, directly after the service, for the study of God’s word, worship, prayer and discussion. We also plan fellowship events all year-round because we are a tight-knit group that loves to be together,